NSW Opening for Skilled Work Regional Visa 491 Under Pathway 1 & 3

NSW Opening for Skilled Work Regional Visa 491 Under Pathway 1 and 3

Good news for you waiting for the opening of NSW subclass 491 Pathways 1 and 3.

Your wait is over now!


NSW is opening for skilled work regional visa 491 under pathway 1 and 3 and accepting applications for its both pathways.


The good news is that the Government of NSW has updated and eased its nomination criteria for Skilled Work Regional Visa Subclass 491 under pathways 1 and 3


This is a great opportunity for those who want to secure a place to live and work for up to five years in the regional areas of New South Wales, Australia. 


If you are one of them and meet the eligibility criteria, you can apply for subclass 491 through either pathway 1 or pathway 3


The Skilled Work Regional Visa (subclass 491), pathways 1 and 3 are part of the New South Wales (NSW) state nominations for the years 2024–25. The visa offers eligible overseas skilled workers and recent graduates from NSW an opportunity to live and work in NSW and contribute to its community. 


Let’s have a look at the recent key updates in both in the pathways:


Key Updates in Pathway 1: Skilled Workers Employed in Regional NSW

Pathway 1 is for those employees who are employed in eligible occupations in regional areas of NSW.  According to the recent updates in eligibility as: 


  • Work Requirement: The applicants must have worked in regional parts of NSW, Australia, in an eligible occupation under a nominated employer.
  • Pay TESMIT: The applicants must pay Temporary Skilled Migration Income TESMIT $73150 per annum, which is a salary rate from your qualified employer or closely related occupation income at the time of application.
  • Flexibility in Residence: Previously, applicants were required to live and work in regional NSW to qualify for subclass 491 under pathway 1. Now, they only need to work in regional NSW while residing outside the designated area.
  • More Options: These changes will allow skilled workers who live near the NSW border but work within the state and who have been working in regional areas for the past six months to apply for the Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491).



Key Updates in Pathway 3: For Recent Graduates from Institutions of Regional NSW 

This pathway is designated for overseas students who have graduated from institutes in regional parts of New South Wales, Australia. 


  • Education Requirements: You must complete a graduation or higher degree from a designated regional NSW institution. 
  • Study Relevance: Your program of study or degree should be aligned with your nominated occupation under Pathway 3.
  • Recent Graduates in the Past 2 Years: You must have graduated or completed your degree within the past two years and your degree must align with the NSW workforce requirements.


Apply Now! Limited Allocations Available – Don’t Miss Out the Opportunity!

Skilled Workers Employed in Regional NSW


The seats are limited and seem to be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. NSW updated these changes with the announcement of limited seats available for the 491 Skilled Work Regional Visa under these two pathways, Pathway 1 and Pathway 3. It is the right time to apply for New South Wales nomination 2024-25 under your prior path.


Keep in mind that Investment NSW has the right to refuse any type of application for NSW State nomination if it doesn’t meet the above-given criteria. So, ensure your application is error-free and meets all the eligibility criteria designed by the Government of NSW Australia. 


You need to consult with an expert migration agent to know more details and information regarding these changes and how they can affect your application. At the Migration, we have migration agent Nasir Nawaz. He is a registered MARA agent who can assist you with any query regarding the Australian visa and immigration process. He will provide you suitable solution for your NSW state nomination application-related issues.


So, hurry up and consult with our migration expert. There are limited allocations for Pathways 1 and 3. Apply now before it closes, as the spots may fill up. Your successful career in NSW is waiting for you.

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I am Kiran Bashir, an expert content writer and researcher with years of experience of writing in the field of immigration law. I am proficient in writing blogs, articles, and website content on Australian visa-related services.