The Migration is a leading provider of Australian migration services. Our Privacy Policy governs the management of all data held at The Migration and ensures that all information shared with us is safe and secure. We strive to safeguard your information and ensure that our Privacy Policy accords with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards.

Established as a premier provider of trusted Australian migration services in 2011, The Migration treats data and privacy with the utmost respect. We have adopted this Privacy Policy to ensure that your Personal Information is managed in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and other applicable laws. The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) contains Australian Privacy Principles that regulate the manner in which personal information must be handled.

Children’s Online Privacy Protection

To provide a secure experience for all users, we request a parent or guardian provide permission for any User under the age of 13 years before collecting personal information about them.


Data Collected:

●     Personal Information

The Migration may need to gather specific personal information about you, as well as, if necessary, information about your family and employment, in order to be able to offer you immigration consultancy and legal services. If we don’t have all the required personal information, you might not be able to get the immigration consultation or legal services you need.

Personal Information collected by us includes name, email address, home address, phone number, educational background, and employment history. Additionally, it takes into account your family composition and other factors relevant to determining if you are eligible to apply for an Australian visa, immigration, or citizenship.


●     Content Of your User Account

Privacy Policy Articles are critical in safeguarding data that may be stored in your user account. They help to protect you and others by outlining the conditions under which content or information may be accessed and used. Content within a user account can vary significantly but could include emails, photographs, personal data, contacts, etc., for instance. Privacy Policy Articles, therefore, set out to ensure that all of this information is kept safe from unauthorized use or disclosure.


This Privacy Policy article informs you of what kinds of information will be associated with your user account. For example, when you create a user account, you may provide us with contact details and information such as your name, email address, billing information, etc. We respect your privacy and will only use this data responsibly for purposes that are necessary for the successful operation of our services.

●     Payment Information

In order to provide an exceptional level of customer service and protect our customers’ payment information, the Privacy Policy at The Migration. ensures that all payment data is securely encrypted and transmitted. Furthermore, customers can rest assured knowing their details are fully protected by advanced authentication methods, to ensure utmost security when making purchases.

We take pride in prioritizing the safety of our customers’ financial data, while also ensuring convenience whenever they need to make a purchase. As such, we have developed a Privacy Policy to protect your payment information. This Privacy Policy ensures that any payments you make are secure and protected from unauthorized access by third parties.

We emphasize data security within the Privacy Policy so that you can rest assured your financial information is properly safeguarded with us. Furthermore, in the event of a breach, our Privacy Policy outlines the procedures taken to ensure your payment information is not compromised. All customers should familiarize themselves with our Privacy Policy to better understand how their payment data is stored and utilized by us.

●     Visitor Details

Our Privacy Policy provides visitors with clear information about the type of details we collect, and how they are used and safeguarded. Privacy is taken very seriously and we’re committed to ensuring our visitors feel comfortable and protected while navigating our website. We do not sell any information collected from visitors or allow it to be viewed by third parties unless otherwise stated. Any questions or concerns regarding the Privacy Policy can always be directed to our customer service representatives for further clarification.


Visitors of our Privacy Policy have the right to know how their information is handled and used. All collected data is kept confidential and never sold to third-party sources. Data like IP addresses, geolocation, browser type, referral origins, pages accessed, and time spent on our Privacy Policy are all stored in an effort to improve the visitor experience as well as analyze our Privacy Policy’s performance. We strive to keep visitors’ personal information secure while providing a user-friendly Privacy Policy experience.

How do we Collect your Data

At The Migration, we take the Privacy Policy very seriously. We understand that our customers trust us with their data and we commit to protecting it by using only industry-standard practices. These include server log files, cookies, pixels, web beacons, and other technology used to communicate with you through the Internet.

We use this data to improve the quality of service and quickly address any potential issues or complaints that may arise. Furthermore, we store records of customer interaction in order to better serve each individual in the future. Our Privacy Policy is detailed and transparent – if you have further questions regarding how we collect your data directly and indirectly, please refer to it.


How do We Receive your Data Indirectly

We can receive data indirectly through several methods, such as

  • Cookies
  • Analytics tools
  • Third-party services
  • Additionally, data is also collected through embedded content from our partners.

All of this information is taken into consideration when enacting our Privacy Policy so that users can rest assured that their data is being handled responsibly.

How we will Use your Data

We recognize the importance of your data and strive to provide assurance that it will be used responsibly. We collect and use your data as necessary to accurately assess and improve our services while ensuring that all activity meets applicable laws and regulations. When you provide us with information, we gather it in a secure fashion and use it only for our legitimate business purposes such as responding to inquiries, providing delivery of goods or services, enhancing user experience, or enabling promotional activities. Furthermore, we do not disclose any of your data to third-party vendors or partners without first obtaining valid written authorization from you. PrivacyPolicy takes the responsibility to safeguard your information seriously.

Our Privacy Policy explains how information about you is collected, used, and disclosed by us. We will use your data for the purpose of providing, maintaining, and improving our products or services. Your data will be used to provide customer support, process payments or purchases, analyze trends and usage of our products/services, communicate with you, enable account authentication, secure against fraud or abuse, and other internal purposes as required. We take all measures to ensure that your personal data is protected against unauthorized access; however, if a breach does occur we will notify you immediately.

How do we Store your Data

At The Migration, we take utmost care to protect the personal data of our users. We believe in giving our users total control over their data and strive to ensure that it is stored securely and accessed only by authorized personnel. We make sure to store your data on secure servers managed by reliable and well-respected service providers. Through the use of advanced encryption techniques, flawless access control protocols, and thorough monitoring systems, we guarantee that your data remains private and secure at all times.

Email Privacy

Our Privacy Policy strictly prohibits the sharing of any Email addresses or other personal contact information of our customers or their families with any third parties. We take great pride in the security and confidentiality of your Email and Personal Information and are committed to safeguarding it. Additionally, we do not send marketing emails without prior consent from the user. If we ever need to use personal data for a purpose that is not part of our Privacy Policy, we will provide explicit notice to our users and seek written permission before using or disclosing such data.


Behavioral Targeting/Re-Targeting

As part of our services, we may use advanced technologies such as behavioral targeting or re-targeting. This helps us to personalize the user experience by showing relevant ads and offers which may align with a user’s interests. Behavioral Targeting/ Re-Targeting is a method that seeks to improve user engagement with their website or app experience over time by displaying advertisements based on past online activities of email communication, downloads, lifestyle choices, and other interactions associated with your account. We seek to protect user privacy at all times and ensure that this feature is utilized in an ethical manner so users are provided with better-quality services.


Cookies are small text files that store and track user preferences when visiting a website, providing an interactive and personalized experience. The Migration will provide information about how we use cookies, such as developing an understanding of user behavior to improve our website. As part of your Privacy Policy, it is important to explain what types of cookies are present on your website,

How We Use Cookies

Along with any third-party services that set cookies, for example for advertising or tracking purposes. You might also want to consider including options that allow users to reject or delete their stored data via their web browser settings. Complying with applicable laws and regulations in relation to Privacy Policies including the use of cookies can help ensure the maintenance of trust between you and your customers.

What Type of Cookies do we Use

Some of the cookies that are used are session-specific and help in understanding user preferences when they navigate around our website. We also use third-party cookies from other websites or partners that provide relevant information in regard to advertising.

How to Manage Cookies

In addition, you can manage your own cookie preferences using your browser settings at any time. Please be aware that some services might not function properly if you reject all cookies, as these also store essential information for setting up secure connections for data sharing and authentication processes.

IP Addresses

In a similar way Internet Protocol (IP) addresses are unique identifiers that allow certain electronic devices to identify and communicate with one another over the Internet. Our servers record your IP address when you visit our website and save your data so that we can give you appropriate information.

It is through this information that we are able to understand the features that our visitors are interested in, as well as the region of the world where they are located. In this regard, we will provide our users with the best possible information to facilitate their journey.

Links from Our Website

Our Privacy Policy outlines certain terms of use for links that may be present on our website. These links may redirect you to other websites or services and are provided solely for the purpose of giving users access to additional information that may be of interest. The Privacy Policy does not extend to any linked third-party websites, and we advise users to thoroughly review the Privacy Policies of any sites they visit via a link from our website before providing any information. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for the content or activities of these external websites, and your usage is at your own discretion and risk.

Our Privacy Policy explains how personal information is collected and handled when a user visits our website or uses our services. To allow users to view more detailed information about external websites, and for convenience only, we may provide links from our website to third-party sites and resources. We are not responsible for the collection, use, maintenance, or disclosure of data by such third parties, so we encourage you to read their Privacy Policy before submitting any personal information.

Client Services

In order to provide client services, a number of personal information is collected and processed by The Migration.

This information can include you:

Full name,

Home address,

Contact number

Date of birth

Marital status

Passport number

Employment history

Previous education

Tax status

Employee number

Job title, function

Expatriate status


We collect Personal Information in different ways. It includes correspondence, interviews, emails, telephone, and from our website

Third-party sources, such as companies you have previously worked for, educational institutions you attended, and employers you are currently or prospectively working for, may also provide us with personal information. As part of our immigration consultancy and legal services, we use this information to

analyze, complete, and submit immigration, visa, and related applications to the appropriate government agencies;

Relocating expatriates and assist them with other expatriate issues; and

Assist with the use of online case-management tools, where necessary.

Your Choice of Information Use

We will use your personal data for the following purposes: to personalize and improve the service, to help us understand how you interact with our services, and to ensure that the content on our website is tailored to your needs. To ensure all collected information is kept safe and secure, we strictly follow industry-accepted security protocols.

The goal is to reinforce customer trust by providing the assurance that their data is secure and will not be shared with third-party organizations for advertising or other purposes without explicit consent. We strive to stay within ethical boundaries by always respecting our customers’ privacy when discussing, collecting, or using information. Ultimately, we strive to put the customer first by offering a secure environment so they feel comfortable trusting us with their personal information.

Sensitive Data

It is possible for your sensitive information to include details about your racial or ethnic origin, your political opinions, your membership in a political party, your religious or philosophical beliefs, your membership in a trade union or other professional organization, your criminal record, or your medical history.

Sensitive Information is used for multiple purposes, which include;

Primary purposes for which sensitive information is obtained.

Secondary purposes are closely related to primary purposes.

Protection of Personal Information

Our privacy policy is focused on protecting the personal information of our clients from misuse, loss, unauthorized access, amendment, or disclosure.

We’ll remove your personal information permanently from our sources once it has fulfilled the process’s demands. It is our policy to keep a minimum of seven years of client information that we collect from our clients in our client files.

Personal Information Access

Your Personal Information may be changed or corrected if you wish. We might ask for identification before we release your Personal Information to you for security reasons.

Maintaining Up-to-Date Personal Information

We maintain the quality of your personal information and keep it up-to-date. However, if you find that the Personal Information we have is inaccurate or not updated, please let us know right away so that we can update our records and keep providing you with our quality services.

With whom we Share Information

Privacy is a key concern of ours and this Privacy Policy outlines how we handle the information that you provide to us. Specifically, we will only share your information with entities within our organization and third-party service providers or partners strictly required to complete transactions on your behalfs, such as financial service providers or fraud prevention agencies.

We may also share your personal data in response to legal requests from government agencies, including law enforcement officials. Finally, if we are ever involved in a merger or acquisition with another company, personal data may be shared with them too. Privacy will always remain of utmost importance to us and our Privacy Policy ensures that only those necessary have access to your information.

We understand our customers’ concerns about privacy, which is why we have a Privacy Policy in place. We will never disclose or share your personal information with any third party unless required by law or an explicit permission is given, such as if you indicate you would like to receive promotional offers from a partner.

Our Privacy Policy also outlines when and how we can use your information internally —  for example, to prevent fraud or abuse of our services. All applications that process customer information are securely stored and managed under strict compliance with data protection and privacy regulations. Rest assured that we take great care to protect your data and privacy accordingly.

How Secure is your Information

Privacy is of the utmost importance to us here at The Migration, and we take extraordinary measures to make sure that all of your information is kept secure. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we protect your information by using state-of-the-art security protocols and technologies, such as encryption and data access limits.

All of our systems have multiple levels of authentication and authorization so that only trusted personnel can view or use any stored data. You can rest easy knowing that your security is our top priority.

At The Migration, we take your privacy and security very seriously. Our Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to keeping your data safe, secure, and private. Every transaction is encrypted using 256-bit Secure Sockets Layer technology, the industry standard in secure online transactions.

Furthermore, by adhering to the Privacy Shield Framework, we perform Privacy Shield requirements and ensure compliance with them. Rest assured that when you share any information with us, it is dealt with securely in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Your Personal Information is Protected

As a result of our commitment to ensuring the protection of your information, we require all third parties who assist us in providing our services to comply with all privacy and data protection laws applicable in their country of operation.

It is our objective to provide authentic immigration consultancy and legal services to all our based on the information you provide us. To accomplish this goal, we collect only adequate and relevant information about The Migration’s clients.


Our Privacy Policy outlines how. we would like to communicate with you in regard to marketing purposes. If you would like to receive updates and information about our products and services that we think might interest you, please feel free to opt-in for communication. Conversely, if you no longer wish to be contacted for marketing purposes, all you need to do is email us at  with your request. We value your privacy above all else and will make sure that any communication efforts are in line with your consent.

What are the Data Protection Rights

Privacy policies are an important part of protecting our data and ensuring we have access to the information we authorize others to use. A Privacy Policy outlines your rights when it comes to how personal data is collected, used, and stored. This gives you the power to inspect, check or request copies of all data collected about yourself by a third-party provider.

It also provides the opportunity for you to take proper action if necessary in the event of any misuse or incorrect handling of this data. Privacy Policies are a critical aspect of protecting ourselves online and ensuring that our sensitive information remains confidential and secure. These are following:

●     Access Right

To ensure that users remain in control of their data and personal information, they have the right to know what data are held about them, which includes reviewing and correcting any errors. With this in mind, the Privacy Policy provides all users access to the personal information collected by, or provided to, the Privacy Policy.

This access can be requested at any time and is granted after confirming your identity. Privacy Policy works hard to ensure fairness and transparency when granting such requests in order to protect everyone’s rights.

●     Rectification Right

The right to rectification allows users to correct any mistakes or incomplete information supplied by them. When situations arise that calls for the removal of personal data, individuals have the legal entitlement

●    Right to Erase

That allows them the chance for their details to be totally removed. Users also have control in certain aspects with ‘The right to restrict processing’ like limiting certain activities concerning their profile.

●     The Right to Data Portability

Allows users the ability to transfer and reuse their personal information across different platforms. The privacy policy provides a comprehensive understanding of your rights as it relates to your digital self, safeguarding crucial information necessary within these transactions.

Protection of Right

Only if you proactively convey your consent to the processing to your employer or to us, in compliance with applicable regulations, will we use your sensitive personal information.

In order to ensure the accuracy of your information, we will also help you obtain reasonable access to your personal information and, if necessary, review and remedy any errors. The Migration takes reasonable steps to confirm your identity before allowing access to information in order to assist safeguard your privacy and offer security. Please get in touch with The Migration to exercise these rights.

Investigation of Illegal Activity

Our Privacy Policy outlines our procedures for investigating illegal activities in a professional manner. Any use of any of our services in connection with illegal activity will be investigated by our team and appropriate action, including legal recourse, may be taken. Our Privacy Policy also helps to ensure that all information collected through our services is managed safely and securely.

We take the protection of your personal data very seriously and strive to ensure that it is secure and handled in accordance with applicable law.

Privacy Notice Updates

When we make any important changes to our Privacy Notice, we’ll post a notice on the relevant pages of our websites or other materials to let you know about them. The notice will also include the date that it was most recently updated.

Despite the fact that this Privacy Notice was created to adhere to the strictest data privacy laws in the world and represents “industry standards” in this field, it may be necessary to implement additional or different procedures that are not at odds with this Privacy Notice in certain countries in order to meet local legal requirements.


Blogs and Forums

Blogs and forums can be beneficial resources, however, when using these in relation to Privacy Policy Articles, it is important to use caution. Therefore, researching Privacy Policy information on blogs and forums should be done carefully. Any Privacy Policy articles you come across should be crosschecked with legitimate sources before making decisions based on that information. Using the internet responsibly when dealing with Privacy Policy Articles is essential for a safe online experience.


Privacy is a priority for many users when participating in blogs and forums. Privacy Policy articles help ensure that personal information remains secure. Privacy policies will outline how any collected data is used, what kind of data is collected, how the user can control their privacy settings, and how long the data will be stored. Altogether, Privacy Policy articles provide assurance that user information on blogs or forums remains private.


For Complaints and Inquiries

We are happy to address any queries or complaints you may have about our Privacy Policy or any unresolved concerns you have regarding the use of your personal information at;

  • Email:
  • Address: Office 2, 16 Kendall St Harris Park NSW 2150
  • Tel: +61 449 550 100


Processor Disclosure

The privacy policy is essential to many businesses and organizations, as they ensure individuals remain aware of how their data is used, stored, and shared. As such, processor disclosure plays an integral role in disclosing information that can lead to greater levels of trust between the company or organization and its users. Privacy policies give information on how processors currently handle data but this also includes disclosing any intention to use processors in the future. This helps individuals maintain control over their online privacy as they are made aware of all entities that will ever have access to their data.


Privacy is a cornerstone of any online business, so it is essential to be transparent with customers about who processes their data and what security measures are in place. Our Privacy Policy outlines information concerning the Processor Disclosure, which includes details such as the types of personal data we store and process, what security protection is used to protect customer data, and notifications received in case of a breach. We are committed to keeping our Privacy Policy compliant and up-to-date with the latest regulations in order to ensure the best possible protection for our customers.