How Long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? - A Comprehensive Guide 2022!

How Long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? – Essential Details!

Have you applied for a Partner Visa 801 and haven’t received it yet? Do you want to know how Long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? You’re at the right place. If you are married or in a de-facto relationship with an Australian permanent resident or citizen, Partner Visa 801 is the best option. It can be your perfect pathway to getting PR in Australia.



Visa 801 is applied for by thousands of people every year. In 2019-20, the number of Partner visas issued to primary and secondary applicants was around 43,506. It is a permanent visa.  It allows you to move permanently with your spouse to Australia. However, if you’ve already applied for it and don’t know how long it will take, you must read this guide till the end.


As we’ll let you know about the processing time for Australian Partner Visa and it eligibility criteria as well. So, let’s go through this guide to see how long does it take to get an 801 visa after 820?


Partner Visa 801 Australia!

The 801 Partner Visa is a permanent onshore visa letting you live in Australia. Study and work there. Later on, it also lets you apply for Australian citizenship. There are 2 streams of Partner Visa in Australia. You may also call it two stages to a partner visa Australia: from 820 to 801. Visa 801 is the 2nd stage to getting permanent residency – before that, you must apply for a Temporary Partner Visa 820.


According to the existing law, a candidate submits a single combined application form when applying for both temporary and permanent visas. Most of the time, applicants must wait at least 2 years after submitting their applications before they may grant a permanent visa.


Eligibility Criteria for 801 Visa

If you are concerned about how long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? It will help if you meet the eligibility criteria for an 801 Visa first.


To qualify for an 801 visa, you should:

  1. Hold a valid temporary 802 Visa.
  2. You must still be in an ongoing relationship with your partner.
  3. If you are married, your marriage should be under Australian Laws.
  4. If you are in a de facto relationship, you must show that your de facto relationship has been going strong for at least a year.
  5. Have good character.
  6. Have paid back the Australian government for all debts.


How long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820?

Currently, it takes between 12 and 22 months to process an 801 Visa. If you don’t include all the required documents or don’t fill out the application properly, the processing time could be longer. So, if you are worried about how long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? Apply carefully!


  • 7 Months for 25% of applications in 7 Months.
  • 50% of applications in 9 Months
  • 75% of applications in 16 Months
  • 90% of requests in 23 months


A permanent Partner visa’s processing period begins on the date of eligibility. As we have discussed, Subclass 820 takes about 2 years to process. As you have previously waited 2 years, Department may, in some circumstances, issue Subclass 801.


However, if Subclass 801 is not immediately followed by Subclass 820, you will need to present additional documentation to Home Affairs Department to demonstrate the relationship’s genuineness and continuity. As a result, it is difficult to tell exactly how long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820?


The processing time for an 801 Visa can be between 2 to 3.5 years.  If you want The Department of Home Affairs to approve your permanent partner visa 801, you must be careful when filling out the application.


Watch this Video!



Exceptions for Visa 801

There are certain cases for the 801 Visa where processing time can be reduced. So, deciding how long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820 is difficult. Despite regulations, it is not always necessary for candidates to wait 2 years between applying for Subclass 820 and 801.


Applicants may escape the 2-year processing period in certain situations.

  • If the applicant and the sponsor have a long-term relationship, an 801 Visa may be approved.
  • A long-term relationship is one in which the applicant and the sponsor have been together for a minimum of 2 years and have a dependent child.
  • If not, the sponsor and partner must have been dating for a minimum of 3 years.
  • The applicant might not have to take 2 years to approve Subclass 801 if the sponsor passed away after the issuance of Subclass 820. Before issuing the visa, the Department will still consider the sincerity of the relationship.
  • The applicant is not forced to wait 2 years if their domestic abuse claims are upheld.
  • The applicant might not have to wait 2 years if the case involves a custody dispute involving their child and the child of the sponsor.


How long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? – Final Words!

The onshore partner visa process ends with the 801 Visa. The applicants can’t move on to the Permanent Partner Visa Assessment until they have held the 820 visas for 2 years. By submitting the Permanent Partner Visa Assessment, you must prove to the Department that your connection with your sponsor is still ongoing and sincere. The partner visa application will probably be rejected if you can’t verify it.


Want to reduce the processing time and avoid delays? Need more information about how long does it take to get an 801 Visa after 820? Don’t Worry! Consult our registered migration agents to process your applications smoothly without delays!


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Amina Iftikhar

I am Amina Iftikhar. I am a content writer at The Migration. I write compelling blogs and articles about Visas and Immigration Policies in Australia.

