National Plan to Live with Covid-19 | Positive News for International Border Opening

Major points of National Plan to Live with Covid-19 | Positive News for International Border Opening

The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has introduced a National Plan to live with Covid-19 for Australian residents. According to PM,  the Australian nation must be ready for the rise in Covid-19 cases. Moreover, there’ll be no more lockdowns to control the virus. Scott Morrison believes that Australia will be free from lockdowns and the majority will be vaccinated to balance the circumstances.


Major Points of National Plan to Live with Covid-19

Australian PM, Scott Morrison, has given a warning to all Australian states and territories leaders about the upcoming situation of Covid-19 without the implementation of lockdowns. He addressed the state leaders and said that they shouldn’t be afraid of the Covid-19 Pandemic and learn to live with it. Furthermore, Scott Morrison talked about the vaccination that more than a half Australian population is completely vaccinated.


Scott Morrison stressed the Covid-19 by saying that people must deal with this pandemic just as the other infectious diseases. All states and territories have agreed on the National Plan.


Here are the significant points and agendas of this National Plan:

  • According to the Australian PM, Scott Morrison, the National Plan to live with the Covid-19 Pandemic is a new way.
  • The National Plan to live with Covid-19 is designed and developed under the best economic, medical and health advice.
  • Morrison has stated that we’ll move on to a further step after 70% to 80% of people aged 16 or above get fully inoculated in Australia.
  • It has been proved that vaccination protects you from a severe illness. Pfizer’s vaccine reduces hospitalisation risk by 87%and AstraZeneca’s by 86%.
  • As we move to the next step, we must continue to get vaccinated at record rates and ensure that our hospital and public health systems are prepared.
  • After achieving this goal, the Australian Government will be focusing on the hospitalisations and treating the Covid-19 Pandemic as other infectious diseases.
  • The whole country and its economy have been severely affected due to the lockdown. However, the Australian Government must implement the lockdown in exceptional cases.

Australian States and Territories Governments 

Australia’s states and territories governments have agreed on the National Plan presented by the Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. They’re going to end the lockdown once they achieve the target of getting 80% population vaccinated. However, some leaders are concerned about the rising cases of the Covid-19 in Sydney. They’ve said that even after accomplishing the goal of vaccinating 80% of people, they’ll still consider the lockdown to control the spread of Coronavirus.


Scott Morrison has stated that all Australian states should be ready to face the rising cases of the Covid-19 Pandemic in the country. He further added that National Plan is developed under the best scientific advice. So, the scientific modelling provided to the Australian Government and evidence shows that lockdown wasn’t very effective and has affected the whole nation.


Statements by Scott Morrison on National Plan

The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has given some statements about the planning to live with the Covid-19 Pandemic. He said,


“Once you get to 70 per cent of your country that is eligible for the vaccine and 80 per cent, the plan sets out that we have to move forward, we cannot hold back.”


He further added,


“We must adjust our mindset. Cases will not be the issue … dealing with serious illness, hospitalisation, ICU capabilities, our ability to respond in those circumstances, that will be our goal.”


Target Modeling of Vaccine for Sydney Outbreak 

The Premier of Western Australia, Mark McGowan, has said that they’ve all the rights to implement lockdown even after 80% of the population get vaccinated. He stated that,


“We still reserve the right to lock down in specific locations if absolutely necessary.”


However, in response to the National Plan by Australian PM Scott Morrison, Mr. Mark McGowan said that they still agree upon the plan. However, he suggested that the existing target modelling to vaccinate 70% to 80% population is out of date and needs to be updated by following the Sydney outbreak. According to Mark McGowan,


“There’s thousands if not tens of thousands of cases out there and so therefore the modelling needs to be redone.” 


No Changings in Target Modelling Suggested by Experts

The director of the Doherty Institute, Professor Sharon Lewin, has designed the target modeling to make a way out of lockdowns. He said that the target modelling will not be changed even after the larger outbreak. However, Sharon Lewin said that more people would die if states and territories start easing restrictions and opening the borders while still experiencing high numbers of the Covid-19 cases.


According to the target modelling by Sharon Lwein, if the Covid-19 restrictions were eased even after 70% of population got vaccinated and complete testing, there still be 16 people who would die from the Coronavirus within six months. As she stated that,


“If you open up with more cases, you reach that peak quicker.”


She added that,


“The modelling looked specifically at the benefits on transmission and on hospitalisations and deaths of targeting adults in the range of 16 to 39-year-olds.”


According to Professor Sharon Lwein, the original target modelling has examined the Delta strain and the effect of immunising children between 12 and 15 years old. She stated,


“The modelling looked specifically at the benefits on transmission and on hospitalisations and deaths of targeting adults in the range of 16 to 39-year-olds.”


The Premier of New South Wales (NSW), Gladys Berejiklian, said that the focus should be on the vaccination rate rather than on Coronavirus cases.


States Breaking Agreements Risk Financial Support

The Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has advised people to be ready to live with the Covid-19 Pandemic normally just as the other diseases. He said that people must learn to fight with Coronavirus rather than being afraid of it.


Furthermore, the Australian Government has informed that if states and territories disagree on the National Plan to live with Covid-19, they’ll not get the same financial support. The Australian Government frontbencher, Amanda Stoker, said,


“I think it’s fair to say that the Prime Minister and the federal government have played a really cooperative, Team Australia kind of approach to dealing with this problem.”


However, the Shadow Health Minister, Mark Butler, has condemned the threat by Scott Morrison to suspend the financial support to states who disagree on the National Plan.


As he said,


“The Australian people want our nation’s leaders to come to a plan which all of us can agree. It’s not going to help to have Scott Morrison sending his ministers out, threatening the Australian people with a withdrawal of support.” 



The situation of the Covid-19 Pandemic is always uncertain in the world and cases are rising again. The outbreak of the Delta variant has scared the Australian residents. It has caused new lockdown restrictions in Australian states. Due to the lockdown, the Australian economy has faced a lot of troubles already. Therefore, the Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has introduced a National Plan to live with Covid-19.


Watch our full video analysis on this national plan: Positive News for International Border Opening | Plan to Live with Covid-19

In this plan, Scott Morrison has advised all states and territories leaders to be prepared to live with Covid-19 without lockdowns. According to the National Plan to live with covid-19, they set a target of vaccinating 70% to 80% of people, after which lockdowns will be lifted. Moreover, their focus is now increasing the vaccination rate to stop the spread of deadly Coronavirus in Australia.


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I’m Nasir Nawaz. I’m a registered migration consultant in Australia. I am based in Sydney. I’ve studied Master of Laws at the University of New South Wales. I’m providing immigration services for several years.

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