IELTS Test Australia | Australian Student Visa

IELTS Test Australia | Australian Student Visa

Australia is a country full of promises for its residents and also its migrants. This is mainly because of its strong economy as well as the fact that it provides its citizens with every basic right. Which supports its people to excel and prosper in life. One of the very fundamental rights Australia provides to its people is quality education. and this is not only limited to the students in Australia only but international students from different parts of the planet can also come to Australia on student visa subclass 500 and avail these quality educational facilities. In this article, we will talk about one such English language test called IELTS Test, its requirement for student visa subclass 500 and some general discussion about student visa Australia.



Australia is becoming immensely popular for its educational system in the world. Its educational institutions have a great reputation among the educational circles around the planet and are renowned for the quality they provide.


Every Australian visa has certain rules and conditions that are needed to be filled to become eligible for that certain visa. Similarly, student visa subclass 500 also has a certain set of conditions to be satisfied. One of the very important conditions among these eligibility conditions is an English language test.

IELTS for Student Visa Australia

Many Australian visas require proof of one’s English competency. For this, the applicants have to take an English langue test. Australian student visa also requires its applicant to prove their English language capabilities. The visa applicants of many countries like Australia, where English is the primary language are required to take this test and prove their English language proficiency.


There are many English testing services around the globe but the most famous one of them is IELTS. It stands of international English language service and is the most popular around the globe. Australian immigration system also accepts its results. This is a 9 band based test. It’s designed in such a way that it checks the English language capabilities of a person thoroughly. It assesses how a person performs in different aspects of the English language like speaking, reading and speaking.


IELTS is a world-renowned testing service. Its popularity can become clear from the fact that it has conducted around 3 million tests around the world. Also, its service is available at 16,000 locations worldwide. It is an institute that provides testing services for checking the English proficiency of the candidates undertaking the test. IELTS test is based on band scores with 9 being the maximum band score.

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Categories of IELTS Test

IELTS test has two categories. Both of them are given below:

Academic test:

This category is for the candidates applying for higher education and professional registrations.

General training:

This one is for the people planning to migrate to Australia for secondary education, work experience and training programs in environments where English is the basic language.


In IELTS one will be assessed in the following departments:

  • Listening
  • Reading
  • Speaking
  • Writing


Want to more about IELTS? Ask our migration agent Melbourne

Common Mistakes you should avoid in IELTS Test

IELTS test needs proper perpetrations and study. You can find tons of study material present online that can help you with your IELTS test. But there are still some little details that need to be taken care of. If someone avoids these fine details then it might lead to a poor score. So learning about these techniques and mistakes to avoid is equally important for a better score. Here are some mistakes that commonly made in an IELTS test and that can be avoided for a better score:

Writing More Words:

Writing within the given limit is very important and it shows your grip on the subject you are writing on as well as your language skills. This is why it is always advised to follow the limit that is given in the test. Writing more words than the given limit not at all leaves a positive impact rather it shows that one is incapable of explaining his or herself within the given limit of the words.


Writing more words will only leave a negative impression that the candidate is unable, to sum up, the discussion. So one should always follow the limit and should not exceed it.

Writing Lesser Words:

As for writing more words than the given limit is taken negatively similarly writing lesser words is also not good. It shows the lack of one’s knowledge on the given subject or it can also show the lack of English language skills, that one doesn’t find enough words to explain him or herself So the experts always advise to write up to the required words. So that your command on the subject as well as the langue can be evident from your writing

Poor Pronunciation:

Pronunciation is also a very important factor in the IELTS test. And it is also the most troublesome for the candidate. Different candidate from different origins has their way of pronouncing an English word but this pronunciation is not necessarily correct. This is why one should work on their pronunciation the most so it won’t leave any room for mistakes and errors because a Poor pronunciation may lead to a poor band score.


These were some mistakes that one should avoid in his or her IELTS test and avoiding these mistakes can guarantee a better band score which you may require for your Australian student visa.

Study in Australia!

If you want to study in Australia then Consult with our Educational Consultant today!

Why should you pick Australia for your Studies?

Australia is an amazing country for education. There is no doubt in the fact that it is becoming one of the best education hubs in the world. This is why it attracts millions of students from all over the world. Many factors are responsible for making Australia one of the best destinations to get a quality education.


Let’s discuss some of these factors below:

  • Australian institutions are among one of the finest institutes in the world. They are famous for providing the best and quality education to not just local students but as well as international students. Australian institutions offer a variety of courses, degrees, and training in thousands of different disciplines. So whatever you are passionate about you can study it in Australia and make a successful career out of it. Or if you are yet to find a passion, Australian institutes can inspire you to choose what the best for you.
  • Many Australian universities are ranked in the top slots of best universities in the world. It shows how famous these institutes are around the world for the quality of education and training they provide.
  • Australia is also a favorite among international students for the fact that it provides many scholarships and grants to international students. These scholarships and grants can support international students in many ways like covering the tuition fee, boarding expenses or books or transport expenses etc. moreover Australian student visa also allows the student to work part-time which helps them to support their living cost in Australia
  • Australian educational system is often compared to the system of education in America and the USA due to their similarities in the quality of education provided by them. But if you compare the cost of studying in Australia with the cost of studying in countries like the USA and UK, you will get to know that Australian education cost is much more affordable than other countries. This is why if you need world-class education at a very sane price then no other option can beat Australia.

What visa does an International Student need to come to Australia?

An international student needs an Australian study visa for coming to Australia and getting an education there. This visa is called the study visa subclass 500. Through this visa, an international student can come to Australia. It allows them to study their enrolled courses and live there until the completion of the courses. This visa also permits the student to work part-time. One can work a maximum of 40 hours in a fortnight.

Conditions on this Visa

One has to fulfill the following conditions to apply for a student visa:

  • The age to the applicant should be 18 years at the minimum
  • Applicant should be enrolled in an eligible course in a registered institution
  • Should have enough finances to support tuition fees, traveling cost and living expenses in Australia.
  • Must have an IELTS score of 5 and a half bands
  • Must satisfy all health and character requirements


This was all about IELTS for Australian student visa subclass 500 and what are the important mistakes that one should avoid for a better band score.


We hope that this article will help you learn about the IELTS test and also will help you score better in your IELTS test. But if you are still confused about anything or you have some queries  and questions about it then contact with The Migration Agency for more information.

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I’m Nasir Nawaz. I’m a registered migration consultant in Australia. I am based in Sydney. I’ve studied Master of Laws at the University of New South Wales. I’m providing immigration services for several years.

Consult with me for legal advice on Australian visas to permanently live, study, and work in Australia.
