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Employer Sponsored Visa – Road to Successful Career in Australia

When we talk about migrating to someplace new what are the basic questions that come to your mind? Some of them will be why should one migrate? Where to migrate? How to migrate? How Employer Sponsored Visa can help you to start your career in Australia? These are some of the many basic questions that comes to one’s mind when he or she decides to move someplace new for a better life. Moving to someplace that’s entirely new is not a simple job.


There are many important sides of this decision that are needed to be thought about thoroughly. Also, it requires excessive planning and adequate resources. There are various challenges in this process some of them are financial, some physical and some mental. But ultimately it can get you to live someplace that you think is best for you and your future.


Australia has the biggest number of international migrants. Want to be one of them? Our Registered Migration Agent Sydney can help.


The first and the biggest challenge of migrating someplace new is to choose the right destination for you. This greatly depends on the reason behind your move. There could be many reasons behind a migration like people can move to someplace else for better education, to move closer to one’s family, to move for asylum, for better facilities, for a better society and so on.


One of the most significant reasons that compel most of the people to migrate to some other part of the world is for better employment opportunities. They want to start their career in a place that encourages and values their talent. Where they can prove their skills.


Where they have bright prospects for growth and prosperity. Australia is among few of such places where people enjoy all the fundamental rights along with the abundance of life opportunities.



Why is Australia a Favorable Place for Employment?


Australia is considered to be some of the best places on this planet to move to. Its popularity is also evident from the fact that it has the largest number of international migrants. But what is there in Australia that attracts people from all across the world to come to Australia and develop their careers there?


Well, there are a lot of things but the most popular ones are listed below:


Good Employment opportunities for all


The Australian economy is quite strong and dynamic and it has many industrial factors that contribute greatly to its economic growth. These sectors require a skilled human resource to keep operating and also to expand their operations and growth.


Best educational destination

Getting an equal opportunity to get good and quality education is everyone’s fundamental right. Australia is a part of the world that has one of the best educational systems in the world. Australian institution is famous for providing good quality education and renowned degrees not just to the local students but also to the international students.


Australia welcomes hundreds and thousands of international students in every academic session. These international students are part of Australian society and the economy now.


Our Registered Education Consultation can help you with your student visa subclass 500 application.


Better lifestyle

Australia offers every modern facility of this modern world to its residents. It has modern housing, advanced medical facilities, quality education, developed infrastructure, strong security, etc. these facilities are not available for all in many parts of the world which attract many people to come to Australia and live there.


Amiable environment

The Australian environment is very friendly. People coming from overseas can get easily adjusted in their society. The Australian population is originated from more than 200 origins. This means that people from different culture and norms live in one society with peace and social understanding in Australia. This makes adjusting to Australian social ways very easy.


These were some of many reasons why so many people want to move to Australia and develop their careers there. Employer sponsored visas category has some of the most famous Australian visa subclasses that allows one to come and work in Australia.


In the next part of this blog, we will talk about this visa category and all the subclasses that comes under this banner


What comes under the Employer Sponsored Visa?

As discussed above that Australian economy is very strong and always requires skilled manpower. Its demand for human resources cannot be fulfilled by Australian markets only this is why Australian immigration system has some visas that allow the sponsors in Australia to sponsor employees from overseas on some visas.


These visas are called employer sponsored visas. This visa category has many visas. Some of which are temporary and some permanent. Let’s have a look at different Employer sponsored visa subclasses


Temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482

Temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482

One of the most popular Australian visas is temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482. This visa subclass permits an employer in Australia to sponsor an employee from overseas Australia for an employment opportunity he or she is offering. But there is a very important condition on the employer that he or she should be unable to find a suitable candidate in Australia for the job he or she is offering.


This visa has three streams that are different from each other in many ways.


These are discussed as below:

Short Term Stream

Short Term Stream

Through this visa stream, the employer in Australia can sponsor that candidate from outside Australia whose belongs to the professions that falls in short term occupational list. On this visa, a person can live in Australia for up to 18 months


To be eligible to apply for this visa one must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible employer in Australia
  • The professions of the applicant must fall in short term occupational list
  • should get his or her skills attested from an authorized authority and the result of the assessment should be positive
  • Competent English
  • Must fulfill all health and character conditions


Medium Term Stream

Medium Term stream

This visa stream permits an employer in Australia to sponsor those people from outside Australia whose profession falls in the medium term or long term occupational list. This visa allows its holder to live in Australia for 2 to 4 years.


To be eligible to apply for this visa one must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible employer in Australia
  • The professions of the applicant must fall in medium-term or long term occupational list
  • should get his or her skills attested from an authorized authority and the result of the assessment should be positive
  • Competent English
  • Must fulfil all health and character conditions


Labour agreement stream

Labour agreement stream

A labour agreement is a contract between an industrial sector and the department of home affairs. This stream allows the employer in Australia who have a valid labor agreement with the department of home affairs to sponsor employees from outside Australia for a job opportunity he or she is offering.


To be eligible to apply for this visa one must fulfill the following conditions:

  • The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible employer in Australia who have an ongoing labor agreement with the department of home affairs
  • Should get his or her skills attested from an authorized authority and the result of the assessment should be positive
  • Must know enough English as directed in the agreement
  • Must fulfill all health and character conditions


Employer nomination scheme visa subclass 186

Employer nomination scheme visa subclass 186

Employer Nomination Scheme Visa Subclass 186 is a permanent visa that allows the employer in Australia to employ workers from overseas who can come to Australia and live there as permanent residents. But there is a condition on the employer that he or she should not be able to find the employee in Australia for the employment opportunity he or she is offering.


This visa has three streams that are discussed below.

Direct entry stream

Direct entry stream

Through this visa stream, the eligible employer in Australia can sponsor workers from outside Australia to come to Australia to work and live there as permanent residents.


Eligibility criteria for this stream of visa:

The applicant must satisfy the following condition:

  • The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible employer in Australia
  • should belong to a profession that lies in the relevant occupational list
  • Must have 3 years of work experience at minimum
  • must get his or her skill assessed by an authorized institution.
  • The applicant’s age must be less than 45 years
  • English competent
  • must satisfy all health and character conditions


Labour agreement stream

Labour agreement stream

A labour agreement is a contract between an industrial sector and the department of home affairs. This stream allows the employer in Australia who have a valid labour agreement with the department of home affairs to sponsor employees from outside Australia to come, live and work in Australia permanently.


Eligibility criteria of this stream:


The applicant must satisfy the following condition:

  • The applicant should be sponsored by an Australian employer who have an ongoing labour agreement
  • must get his or her skill assessed and result of skill assessment should be positive according to the terms of the labor agreement
  • should know English knowledge according to the terms of the agreement
  • must satisfy all health and character condition


Temporary residence transition stream

Temporary residence transition stream

This visa stream is for the holders of temporary skilled shortage visa subclass 485. It allows them to live and work in Australia permanently.

Eligibility criteria for this visa stream


The applicant must satisfy the following condition:

  • The applicant must have worked for at least 3 years under a temporary skilled shortage visa in Australia.
  • The applicant must be sponsored by an eligible employer in Australia
  • should belong to a profession that lies in the relevant occupational list
  • Must get his or her skill assessed by an authorized institution.
  • The applicant’s age must be less than 45 years
  • English competent
  • must satisfy all health and character conditions


Employer sponsored regional visa subclass 494

Employer Sponsored Visa regional subclass 494

This regional visa Subclass 494 is a new subclass. It allows an employer in regional Australia to sponsor a worker from overseas for an employment opportunity he or she is offering in regional parts of Australia. This visa is granted for 5 years and also have a pathway to Australian PR after 3 years of working in the regional area.


Eligibility condition of this visa:

  • The applicant must get sponsored by an eligible employer in the regional part of Australia
  • The profession of the applicant must fall in the relevant occupational list
  • Age of the applicant must not be more than 45 years
  • Should get his or her skills to test by an authorized institution
  • Should be proficient English
  • Must satisfy all health and character requirements

This was all about different subclasses of Australia employer sponsored visa if anything confuses you our registered migration agent in Parramatta can help you


How can The Migration help you in Employer Sponsored Visa?

The Migration is an Australian company that provides visa consultancy and legal advice to the people wanting to get a particular Australian visa. Our team of the best MARA certified agents can help you in your Australian PR pathways and can also help you understand about different programs like the job ready program etc.


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