Travelling to Australia 700x467 1

All the details you need to know about traveling to or from Australia in current pandemic situation

An overview of the current pandemic situation

It’s been more than 4 months now that the world is going through a pandemic situation. The coronavirus has changed and affected the world in many ways, in fact, it won’t be wrong to say that it has affected or disturbed every aspect of life. But the most worrisome part of the whole situation is that there is still no solution for it. Many countries are working and researching on finding a vaccine for coronavirus but no one is able to develop one up till now. COVID-19 has an impact on various aspects of life let take a quick look at them.


Coronavirus is declared as a pandemic by the world’s health organization. There are many countries who are fighting this pandemic and the situation is still not getting any better for them. The contagiousness of this virus is the biggest challenge as it makes it spread very easily. This is why the number of its carrier are multiplying on a daily basis. Up to this date it has claimed more than 280,000 lives and has affected more than 4 million people around the world. The aged people or the one with low immunity are at high risk from this virus.


The global economy has got the biggest blow from this pandemic situation. Businesses, commerce, trade, production, industries, etc. are facing the hardest time and circumstance around the world. The lockdowns of commercial sites, business centers, cooperate offices, markets, and trading places has caused the biggest deficits of all the time. Every business big or small is facing the consequences of the lockdowns due to coronavirus. Economists are predicting a major downfall of economies around the planet especially the developing countries.

Social activities:

The biggest problem with this virus is that its spreads very easily. Carries of coronavirus can transfer it to another individual by mere touching or by sneezing or coughing near something that might come in contact with another individual. This is why all the nations around the world are stressing on social distancing. With still no vaccine the only way to prevent this virus is to adapt all precautions. Clouse of all public sites, markets, educational institutions, etc. is done to minimize the chances of social gathering that might help the virus to spread more easily. This has greatly disturbed the social life of people around the planet.

These were a few of many walks of lives that are totally disturbed by the coronavirus virus pandemic. Like every order country, Australia is also fighting this pandemic situation in the best way it can. In this article, we will have a detailed look at the situation of the Australian borders in the current scenario.

Detailed discussion on Australian borders situation due to coronavirus pandemic

Australian borders have been closed for all international travelers due to the current COVID-19 circumstances. This travel ban initially begins with travel restrictions on few high-risk countries like China, Iran, Italy, etc. but with the changing situation of the virus around the globe the travel restriction is now on travels from every country. Let’s have a detailed discussion on who can travel and who cannot travel to and from Australia and under what conditions

Traveling from Australia

  • In the current scenario, all the international travels are encouraged to return to their homeland. But one has to keep in mind the availability of the flights and the travel restrictions of their home country
  • Australian citizens or permanent residents are not allowed to travel from Australia. The exemptions could be provided in some cases given below
    • If one has to travel in the context of providing aid in the current pandemic situation
    • One can also travel if his or her travelling is essential for some critical sectors like trading etc.
    • An exemption can also be made if one is going out of Australia for medical treatment or any other convincing personal reason.

Traveling to Australia

  • Australian nationals and permanent residents are allowed to travel to Australia. But has to go through a mandatory 2 weeks quarantine period on entering Australia.
  • The immediate family of Australian citizens and permanent residents are also exempted from the travel ban. Spouse or dependent children can enter Australia also on mandatory quarantine condition.
  • Some of the Temporary visa holders e.g. subclass 482 etc. can also enter Australia but only after getting exemption from the border force. These exemptions are made after considering individual cases

Staying in Australia

  • Australian permanent visa holders can stay in Australia upon their will but for travelling to other countries they might need the exemption from the border force.
  • The tourists on visitor visas are encouraged to get back to their homelands as soon as possible. But the ones having problems with the flight’s arrangements etc. and if their visa is expiring soon they can apply for bridging visas.
  • Temporary visa holders or international students on student visa subclass 500 are also advised to return to their homelands but some Australian states are supporting their temporary visa holders so that they can go through difficult times.

This was all about the situation of Australian border in this pandemic situation. If you want any more information about it or any other Australian visa our best migration agent in Sydney can help you.

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I’m Nasir Nawaz. I’m a registered migration consultant in Australia. I am based in Sydney. I’ve studied Master of Laws at the University of New South Wales. I’m providing immigration services for several years.

Consult with me for legal advice on Australian visas to permanently live, study, and work in Australia.
