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All you Need to Know About “JobKeeper Payment” an Australian Wage Support Program

The world is fighting a pandemic for the last few months. A contagious virus that was detected in a single person in a province of china has now affected more than 800,000 more in this world. In this time it has also claimed many lives. Coronavirus has not only affected the lives of the people who have tested positive of this virus but also has impacts on almost everyone living on the face of this planet. Is this point confusing to you? Here are the few facts that will prove this point

  • Pandemic novel coronavirus started from a Chinese province Wuhan. What started from a single person soon transferred in thousands of other residents of that province and then started spreading in other parts of China. But this contagious virus does not stop there. It started spreading across the border and in no time many people in different countries were infected by a coronavirus.
  • The Health of hundreds of thousands of people is affected by this virus. According to the latest updates more than 800,000 people got infected by this virus and it has claimed 42,340 valuable lives around the globe. But the more alarming thing here is that this number isn’t expected to stop here. The cases of coronavirus carriers are multiplying with every passing day and no one is sure that till when it is going to stop
  • This virus has not only affected the health of many but has completely made the world go upside down. Most of the activities around the globe are suspended because of this pandemic. People are spending their days and nights in self-isolation. Schools and offices are shut down. No one is advised to go out unless it is an absolute necessity. Social distancing is encouraged. All tourist sites, shopping centers, markets, offices, educational institutions are closed because of this pandemic that has made the life standstill for some time.
  • Many countries have sealed their borders so that no one can come or leave the country. This is done as a prevention from the further transmission of the virus. The closure of borders is especially creating many problems for the migrants. These migrants have stuck away from their home country and cannot travel until this problem is fully resolved.

If you want any more information on travel ban in Australia you can consult our registered migration agent Sydney.

  • This pandemic also had the worst effect on the global economy. Many countries around the world are facing the worst economic conditions. Many businesses and cooperate activities have been suspended temporarily. Markets are closed around the globe. All this is inferring to great deficits globally. The people on daily wages, weekly wages or part-time work are affected by this situation at maximum.

These were some facts that show how coronavirus is affecting not just health but also every other aspect of life.

What are the stats of coronavirus in Australia?

Australia like many other countries has many confirmed cases of coronavirus. According to updated stats, Australia has 4,862 confirmed carriers of this virus. This virus has also claimed 21 lives in Australia. Australia is being very careful about the ongoing situation and has taken many preventive measures to stop the further transmission of the virus

What are the important measures taken by the Australian government?

There are some very important measures taken by the Australian government that is helping in the prevention of the virus and are expected to help in stopping any further transmission of the novel coronavirus. Following are some of these measures:

  • All the social activities around the country are suspended. Educational institutions, offices, public places, and all the tourist sites have been shut down. This will help in maintaining a social distance and will cause less interaction between the people.
  • There is a travel ban on everyone expect the citizens and permanent residents of Australia. No one can enter Australia even on temporary visas like student visa subclass 500subclass 482, etc. Only the spouse or dependent child of Australian nationals or permanent residents are exempted from this travel ban.
  • People who are traveling domestically to certain remote areas of Australia have to stay in self-isolation for a fortnight upon entering that remote is. Only daily utility providers are allowed to enter these areas.
  • The Australian government has announced a mega relive package by the name of “jobkeeper payment”. This relief package will help those who are affected the most by the crisis caused by a novel coronavirus.

What is the “jobkeeper payment” relief package and who is eligible for it?

The Australian government has announced a relief package for those businesses which are affected the most by situation caused by the current pandemic. Under this relief package, the government will provide $1500 per fortnight for every employee of the employer whose business is affected by a coronavirus. There are some conditions to be fulfilled by both the employer and employee to be eligible for this package.

Eligibility criteria for the employer:

  • The employer should own a business whose annual turnover should be less than 1 billion and under present circumstances, the turnover must have decreased by 30%
  • Must have a total turnover of more than 1 billion per year but under the present situation the turnover has fallen by 50 %

Eligibility criteria for the employees:

  • Must be currently employed including the stood down and re-hired candidates
  • Should be more than 16 years in age
  • Must not be receiving “jobkeeper payment” from any other employer
  • The applicant should be a part-time, full-time or casual employee
  • Must be an Australian national, permanent resident or should hold a permanent or special category visa.   

We hope that you find this article interesting. If you want more information on this subject contact visa consultancy firm The Migration.  
