Australian Restrictions 700x453 1

See How the Travel Ban is Affecting Temporary Australian Visas

As everyone knows how crucial the condition of the pandemic coronavirus is getting with every passing day. It’s not just the problem of few countries now as it is spreading in every part of the world at drastic speed. The carriers of the germs are multiplying daily which is social interactions near to impossible. Markets, malls, schools, universities, offices and other public places are shutting down and people are restricted to their homes only. This is no doubt a panicky situation for everyone. This is why every country is taking some important precautions that can prevent any further transmission of this virus.

Like every other country, Australia is also taking some important measures for the pandemic coronavirus. A few of them are listed below.

  • Australia has put more strict travel restrictions on the people entering Australia at this time
  • It is ensuring complete isolation for the carriers of the virus
  • Many offices, educational institutions, and public places have been shut down so that there will be lest-possible interactions between the people.
  • The relief fund is also announced by the government for the matters of life that are being disturbed by this pandemic

What are the travel restrictions imposed by Australia?

Every border around the world is closing. At first, countries were implying travel restrictions to the people coming from the countries having the number of coronavirus cases but as now this virus is widely spread, countries are applying stricter conditions. Australia also has announced changes in its traveling restrictions. The previous restrictions were on the travelers coming from China, Iran, Italy, and South Korea or on anyone who had visited one of these countries recently. But now there have been some changes. Some of these are given below

  • No one can enter Australia except the Australian nationals and permanent residents
  • Those New Zealand citizens who usually reside in Australia can also enter Australia
  • The immediate family members like a spouse or a dependent child of an Australian national or permanent resident can also enter Australia.
  • All the people who will enter Australia from now will need to self-isolate for a fortnight.
  • Temporary visa holders coming from overseas can also not enter Australia

These are new update conditions on traveling to Australia. It has been made clear in the new announcement that even the temporary visa holders cannot enter the country until the solution of this pandemic can be found. Only the nationals and permanent residents are allowed to enter. But are also advised not to travel in these days.

Which Australian permanent visas are affected the most by this pandemic?

Coronavirus has affected the health of thousands of the residents of this planet. Apart from that it also has certain adverse effects on people’s life. Most of the people are self-isolating these days. Offices and schools are shut down. But the most alarming situation is the shortage of supplies. Many migrants are also suffering from these effects of coronavirus. Some are not been able to get back to their home country and some are not allowed to enter the country they are currently studying or working in. Many temporary Australian visa holders are going through a similar situation. With the recent strictness in entering Australia their problems are further triggered. Some Australian temporary visas that are at most affected by travel restrictions are as under:

Visit visa subclass 600:

This visa is for the people who want to visit Australia as a tourist or to visit family or friends. This visa is usually granted for a year. There are many streams of this visa. As all the tourism sites have been shut down and no one other than Australians can enter the country so the visit visa holders are having many problems. This visa also has a business stream that allows the people of different countries to visit Australia on some business-related matters. Travel restrictions have also suspended all these international business activities e.g. conferences and exhibitions.

Student visa subclass 500:

Australian institutions have numerous international students enrolled in many courses. These international students come to Australia on student visa subclass 500 that allows them to study and live in Australia until the completion of their courses. This visa also entitles them to travel to and from Australia on their will. But due to a recent travel ban, many students are stuck overseas and are unable to start or continue the courses they are enrolled in. it causing huge problems for both the students and Australian educational institutes. It is also been said that Australia is on the verge of losing numerous international students that will be a big blow to its economy.

Temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482:

Australian employers appoint employees from overseas who come to Australia to do specific jobs through temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482. This visa allows the appointed employees to come to Australia for a temporary period. These visa holders are also been affected by travel restrictions. Many of the employees who are currently overseas are unable to come to Australia and do their respective jobs. This is affecting the employer in Australia as well as the overseas employees.

This new pandemic has affected every aspect of life on this planet. Every precautionary measure should be taken to avoid the further transmission of this virus. Travel restrictions are no doubt creating many problems for the people but they are also in everyone’s best interest. We hope that this situation will get better soon.

Till then if you have any questions and queries, our migration agent in Sydney can help you with it.

You can also get information about other visas.

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