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How Can One Work On a Student Visa and After Graduating in Australia?

 Every year many students from all over the world come to Australia on a student visa basis. It won’t be wrong to call Australia a favorite destination for international students. Many factors play an important role in making Australia this famous among the students. One of the most important ones of these factors is that Australian educational institutions are known for providing high-quality education. The degrees earned from these institutions are accepted and appreciated everywhere. Usually studying in such institution cost a fortune for international students in countries like America and the United Kingdom. But this cost id quite low in Australia. This is why students coming from overseas prefer to study in Australia as the educational system is world-class and the price is much affordable than other countries.

But still adjusting to a new country is not a simple job it requires many things to consider. Australia offers many facilities to its residents like a good modern lifestyle, better health care, and developed infrastructure. But as we know that nothing comes free in this world. One has to pay for the living cost that includes residence, food, transport, and other personal expenses. All these expenses are not very easy for a student to bear without any income. To shed this burden off the students, an Australian student visa allows the student to work for a specific amount of hours. Some visas allow international graduates from Australian institutions to study and work in Australia after completing a degree there. In this article, we will discuss these visas and the limit of work under these visas.

The Migration is an Australian company abiding all Australian laws so if you are confused by family visa Australia, student visa or any other Australian visa type let our team of best migration agents help you.

Work limit in student visa subclass 500

An Australian student visa allows the students to work for a certain amount of hours. The student visa allows you to study in Australia. You need to be enrolled in an eligible course to get this visa. The limit of your stay in Australia is the completion of the course you are enrolled in. the limitation of work one can do under this visa is given below

Work limits of student visa subclass 500:

  • The holder of subclass 500 can work out to 40 hrs. in 14 days.
  • One must not start working before the course starts
  • One can work more hours under this visa only if one of the following condition applies
    • If one has started PhD
    • Working more hours is a part of your course
    • If you are doing master by research
  • When the student is on a break from the course he or she is enrolled in
  • The member of the family that has come along with the primary holder of the student visa should not start working before the course of the primary holder starts
  • Family members of the primary holder of the student visa can work without limitations if the primary holder of the visa is doing masters by research or Ph.D.
  • If one contributes to volunteer work that does not count as work

These are all the conditions for a student visa holder that must be followed all the time. Violating student visa conditions can cause serious problems that in some cases can lead to visa cancelation.

Working after graduating from Australian institutions

Australian student visa subclass lets you stay in Australia only until the completion of your course. After this one has to apply for different visas to stay in Australia. One of the most popular visas that allow one to work and study after completing a certain course of study from Australia is temporary graduate visa subclass 485. This allows its holder to stay, work and study in Australia temporarily. This visa has the following streams.

Graduate workstream

This visa stream is for the international students who have recently completed at least 92 CRICOS weeks of vocational studies. It allows them to stay, work and study in Australia for 18 months. The condition on this visa is that one’s occupation must be present in the list of the short or medium-term occupational list.

For this visa, one must be 50 years of age at maximum. The applicant should also be English proficient and must satisfy all health and character requirements.

Post-study stream

This visa stream is for the applicants who have recently completed 92CRICOS weeks of higher education at a minimum from an authentic Australian institution. This visa allows them to stay, work and study in Australia for the following periods.

  • The applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree can stay for 2 years
  • An international student who has done a master’s degree by research can stay up to 3 years
  • One can stay up to 4 years if he or she has done a Ph.D.

All these visa streams allow one to study as well as work after completing degrees or vocational training from Australian institutions

To know all these details about work limitations and restrictions, one must consult a registered migration agent so that he or she cannot be misguided. Our best migration agent in Sydney can help you with all the problems you are facing in understanding the terms and conditions of student visa subclass 500 and temporary graduate visa subclass 485. You can also seek visa advice for any other Australian visa type. Our migration agent will give you the best and authentic visa advice that will defiantly make your Australian visa-seeking process a lot simpler.


You can also get information about other visas.

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Family Visa Australia
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