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Changes in working holiday visa for the backpackers helping with Australian bushfire

A little about Australian bushfire

Australian has been experiencing its history’s worst bushfire since September 2019. This bushfire is an indication of how global warming is affecting the world and will do more damage to the planet if significant measures are not taken about it. This bushfire has changed the Australian eco-system forever. Here is all you need to know about it

  • This bushfire started in the south-eastern coastal part of the country but has now affected every state or territory of Australia.
  • The areas that are most affected by this wild bush fire are coastal areas of New South Wales and Victoria.
  • The main reasons behind the bushfire are taken to be record-breaking hot weather and drought in some regions of Australia have experienced the previous year. High winds have also contributed in spreading the fire.
  • Australian bushfire is said to have claimed at least 30 lives and have destroyed hundreds of houses. It has also destructed thousands of acres of land.
  • Animals in Australia are 90 percent unique. That makes Australia a habitat for some of the most different and exclusive animal breeds. It is claimed that this bushfire has killed around 1.2 billion animals in Australia. This is a massive loss of unique wildlife.
  • This bushfire has left some adverse effects on the environment. It has released a very large amount of smoke in the environment that has contributed towards the global warming which itself is one of the main factors behind the bushfire
  • The lives of thousands of people are disturbed by this bushfire. Many people are affected by it directly or indirectly. It has also triggered many health-related problems in the people living near the affected regions.


These are some facts about the Australian bushfire. This bushfire has made a lot of living, land and monitory damages for Australia. People from all over the globe have presented their help in this matter to Australia. Many people from different countries are helping on different levels to help Australia face and solve the problems created by this massive bushfire.


How are the backpackers helping in the Australian Bushfire?

Backpackers in Australia are encouraged to participate in the rescue and reconstructing activities in regional areas that are affected by the bushfire. Employers in these areas are hiring backpackers to help with the tasks involved in the rehabilitation of these disaster-struck areas. Here is how it’s benefiting

  • Many Backpackers are hired by the employers or are volunteering in clearing the areas from the debris and the wastes of the bushfire
  • This activity is helping farmers to clear, rebuild and restock their farms from scratch.
  • Many people have lost their houses in this bushfire. Young energetic backpackers who can do hard labor can help in rebuilding the houses.
  • Many backpackers look for work and employment opportunities. This situation is providing many opportunities for backpackers to get employment.

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What are the changes made in the visas for backpackers who are helping in the bushfire zone?

Backpackers usually come to Australia on a working holiday visa. This allows them to work under an employer for 6 months. Some changes are made in this visa for the backpackers who are helping in regional areas which are struck with this disaster

These changes are as following

  • The working holiday visa allowed the backpackers to work for an employer for 6 months only after that they needed to be employed by someone else. Under new changes, a backpacker working in areas affected by the bushfire can work for the same employer for one year
  • According to the rules, a backpackers needs 88 days of specified work to apply for 2nd year of the visa and 6 months of specified work for applying for the 3rd year. The definition of specified work is also revised which will help the backpackers to apply for 2nd and 3rd-year visas more conveniently.
  • The volunteer work done in the areas affected by the bush fire will be count as specified work and will help backpackers in applying for a 2nd or 3rd-year visa.
  • Construction work done in the rehabilitation of calamity struck areas will also be categorized as work

Which zones of the country are considered for these new changes?

As we all know the intensity of the calamity that has struck the world’s largest island. Australia has faced some of the massive destruction in its entire history due to this bushfire. Thousands of homes have been destroyed. Many farms and agricultural land and plantation have to be ruined as a result of this disaster. To rehabilitate these areas and to rebuild homes and farms Australia needs a lot of manpower that is why it’s encouraging backpackers to come and help in these areas.

The Australian government has categorized 45 zones as disaster zones and wants people especially backpackers to help in these areas. The new changes in working holiday visa will also be effective in these zones. It will help both the backpackers and the Australian regional areas affected by the bushfire.


Hopefully, in this article, we can convey the changes in the visa of the backpackers. We wish for the speedy rehabilitation and regrowth of the areas that faced this calamity.

We, at The Migration, can help you learn more about it. We offer consultancy in every Australian visa like parent visa Australia, Australian study visa, visit visa, etc. so if you have any queries about any of Australian visas please contact our best migration agents in Australia.

You can also get information about other visas.

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I’m Nasir Nawaz. I’m a registered migration consultant in Australia. I am based in Sydney. I’ve studied Master of Laws at the University of New South Wales. I’m providing immigration services for several years.

Consult with me for legal advice on Australian visas to permanently live, study, and work in Australia.
