temporary skilled visa

All You Need To Know About Temporary Skill Shortage Visa Subclass 482

Australia is among the countries that contribute to the world economy on a very large scale. It is home to some of the biggest businesses in the world. Its major industries include tourism, agriculture, mining, media, manufacturing and healthcare. Being the hub of these industries in the world Australia is always in a need of skilled individuals. To keep its pace with the fast-moving world Australia needs newer talent in every emerging field. This is the reason why Australia offers immense work opportunities to not only its citizens but also for the skilled people living in other parts of the planet.
The problem arises when a suitable person or a relevant talent is not available for a particular job in Australia. This problem is solved by inviting skilled individuals for that particular job from outside Australia to do that job for a specific time period. Australian government offers many different visas to help the skilled workers from other parts of the world to come to Australia and meet the shortage of skill for a specific job.
Want a piece of advice on work opportunities in Australia? Ask our migration agent in Sydney now.

How can The Migration help you?

Getting an Australian visa can be a long and tiring process. This process also has its own complications and finer details. So it is always recommended to get professional help so that your visa attaining process can become a little less complicated for you. The Migration is an Australian registered visa consultancy firm that can help you with all your Australian visa needs. The fact that set us apart from others is that we are working completely under the legal norms of Australia. Our team has the best migration agent in Australia who are always there to help you. So if you have any query or confusion about any kind of Australian visa don’t wait to give us a call.
Here we will have an overview of temporary skill shortage visa and its streams. But if you want to learn more about it ask our migration agent in Melbourne anytime.

What is the temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482?

Australian government offers a visa to those skilled individuals who can meet the shortage of talent or skilled workers for a specific job.
Temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482 as its name suggests is for a temporary period of time. It allows the eligible employers to sponsor a skilled individual from overseas to come to Australia and work on a particular job on a temporary basis.
This visa has one condition and that is employer can only sponsor the skilled individual from outside Australia only if he or she is unable to find a competent person for that job in Australia.

What is the factor behind temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482?

The reason behind the offering of this temporary visa is to meet the shortage of talented individuals in a particular field. Australia is striving to be at the top in every emerging field in the world and training its students and workers in these newer fields. This sometimes creates a lack of skilled people within Australia for a job that requires a particular skill or talent. To fill this void skilled workers from overseas are invited to do that particular job.

The streams of temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482

The temporary skill shortage visa subclass 482 has three streams that will be discussed in detail below:

Subclass 482 – short term stream

This visa allows the employer to sponsor a skilled individual from outside Australia belonging to an occupation listed in the short term skilled occupational list to come live and work in Australia for up to 2 years or up to 4 years ( if the international trade obligation applies).
The eligibility criteria for Subclass 482 – short term stream
To be eligible for this visa one must have to fulfil the following conditions:

  • Must have adequate talent, qualification and at least two years of work experience in the required field
  • Should be sponsored and nominated by an eligible employer
  • The skill assessment should be positive and done by an authorized skill assessing authority
  • Must fulfil health and character requirements
  • Should be English competent

Subclass482- medium-term stream

This visa allows the eligible employer to sponsor a skilled individual from overseas whose skill belongs to medium term or long term skilled occupational list or to the regional skilled occupational list. This allows the nominated individual to come, live and work in Australia for 4 years.
The eligibility criteria for Subclass 482 – medium-term stream
To be eligible for this visa one must have to fulfil the following conditions:

  • The applicant must belong to the occupation listed in medium-term or long term skilled occupational list or to the regional skilled occupational list
  • Must have adequate talent, qualification and at least two years of work experience in the required field
  • Should be sponsored and nominated by an eligible employer
  • The skill assessment should be positive and done by an authorized skill assessing authority
  • Must fulfil health and character requirements

Subclass 482 – long term stream/labour agreement

This visa allows the employer with labour agreement to nominate skilled individual living outside Australia to come live and work in Australia. This visa permits the sponsored individual to live and work in Australia for 4 years or as stated in the terms of the labour agreement.
Eligibility criteria for Subclass 482 – long term stream

  • Must be nominated by the employer with the labour agreement
  • Should be English competent
  • The skill assessment should be positive and done by an authorized skill assessing authority
  • Must fulfil health and character requirements

Hopefully, this discussion will help you understand the idea of subclass 482 visa but if you have any confusion please contact our MARA certified agent. The Migration is also offering first free visa consultation so assist you more with your Australian visa process

our company have the best registered experts in various cities of Australia like Sydney, Melbourne, Parramatta,  etc to help and guide you.

I’m Nasir Nawaz. I’m a registered migration consultant in Australia. I am based in Sydney. I’ve studied Master of Laws at the University of New South Wales. I’m providing immigration services for several years.

Consult with me for legal advice on Australian visas to permanently live, study, and work in Australia.
