Myths about australia

Common Myths about Australia and Australian Immigration

We are blessed to be living in this scientifically and technologically glorious era. We do things and have access to such facilities that our forefathers couldn’t even think of. With the advent of the internet, the world seems to be on our fingertips, and all kinds of information just a click away.

However, this era of information that has transformed our lives has a serious drawback as well. It propagates misinformation with the same speed and efficiency with which it spreads information. This has become an alarming concern and has made people doubt even the authentic information they come across on the internet.

Australia has also been a target of this cluster of misinformation. A lot of individuals on social media seem to be experts of visa-related complexities and tour guides while what they actually do is pass on information that they have heard from someone without authenticating it. This has created an environment of uncertainty among prospective immigrants.

Below we will discuss some of the famous myths associated with Australia and Australian immigration.

It’s Hot Year-Long

Due to it being located in the southern hemisphere, this myth is associated with Australia that it remains under scorching heat throughout the year. No doubt the average temperature of Australia is higher than those of North America and Europe but it doesn’t mean at all that the country’s temperature is hot throughout the year.

Being literally on the other side of the world, the seasons in Australia swirl back. It has winters from June through August and the temperature falls just enough to make you put a sweater on. So there is no truth to the narrative that Australia doesn’t experience winters or it’s under scorching heat throughout the year.

Either Sydney or Melbourne is the capital

Frankly speaking, the situation is like a charismatic side character in a movie overshadowing the hero. These two cities being more vibrant are usually considered Australia’s capital, which of course isn’t true. The capital of Australia is the relatively less charming city of Canberra. Legend has it that at the time when the capital of Australia was to be decided, the two states, New South Wales and Victoria, with Sydney and Melbourne as their state capitals respectively, couldn’t agree on one city to be the capital. Both pushed for their own state capitals to be the capital of the county. Eventually, they reached a consensus to create a new state near the borders of New South Wales and Victoria, and the state was to be called the Australian Capital Territory. It was in this territory the capital city was built later on.

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Myths Associated With Immigration and Visas

The previously discussed myths were on a lighter note and not much significant. But the myths associated with as sensitive matters as visas and immigration need to be identified and exposed. Below, we have come up with some of the most common myths associated with Australian immigration and different kind of visas.

“Just Study in Australia and You Will Surely Get Permanent Residency”

This is one of the most common and the most perilous of all, so much so as to cost you thousands of dollars and the most expensive commodities of all, TIME.

Acquiring permanent residency in Australia doesn’t entirely depend on studying there. It may, however, be a supporting factor in your quest to get permanent residency but it can’t be considered as the deciding one. Securing permanent residency depends on your work experience, English proficiency and most importantly your age. Studying in Australia can no doubt help you get permanent residency but you can’t sit back and wait to get it after completing your studies in Australia.

“The Offshore Work Experience Will be Definitely Recognized in Australia”

This one is also very common. Immigrants need to understand the fact that not all the skills and work experience they have acquired in their home countries will be immediately recognized in Australia. For example, if a nurse, who has studied and worked in Pakistan applies for permanent residency and produce the work experience documents in Australia, they won’t be recognized and the nurse won’t be allowed to practice as a registered nurse in Australia. There is a regulatory body that looks after all these things. In this case, the nurse will have to appear in the Nurse Bridging Program. Only after successfully completing the program, he or she will be allowed to practice as a Registered Nurse in Australia.

“Exaggerating Your Claims on Expression of Interest Application Will Help You Get the Visa”

This one is probably the silliest of all and can have grave repercussions. Exaggeration is akin to lying and lying doesn’t work when it comes to sensitive matters like immigration. Visa aspirants need to understand that they cannot outsmart the people scrutinizing all the EOIs. They go through hundreds of such applications each day and can easily spot a misstatement.

All the visa aspirants should remember that whatever skills, qualifications and work experience they mention on the EOI, they will, later on, be required to prove them by providing the documents. Failure to do so will lead to straight-up the rejection of the visa.

Considering all these myths and misconceptions, you will be thinking about having authentic information on Australian Immigration. We, at The Migration, provide immigration services under our MARA registered agents.

We have Registered agents in various cities of Australia to help and guide you.

You are welcome to visit the website for authentic information and visa consultancy.

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