
10 Most Useful Tips For International Students To Live In Australia

Australia is a country with the third largest number of international students in the World. The reason behind this is Australia has maintained and established one of the best education systems of the world. In other words, we can say Australia is the powerhouse of education with top class universities, a diverse range of learning opportunities and high-quality education facilities.


If we talk about the standard of education in Australia, 7 out of the top 100 universities of the world are in Australia. Moreover, 25 Australian institutions are among the top 500 educational institutions of the world as per the QS World Ranking 2019.


However, living in a foreign country is not very easy especially when you are a student. There is a very high probability that you will encounter various issues such as cultural shock, difficulty in making friends, homesickness, money management or inability to get good grades, etc. However, with proper planning and forecasting, you can make your stay in Australia very easy and memorable for you.


Here are some useful tips for international students who are living in Australia or planning to study in Australia on a student visa.


Be Patient!

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While moving to Australia, it is very important for you to be patient. You need to remember that you are not in your home country and you have to accept all the differences with a warm heart. You will see many differences such as in language, food, accent, lifestyle, and culture. In other words, you might experience culture shock. Do not worry as it is very normal. You just need to be open-minded and patient.


Instead of focussing on the differences, welcome the differences. Gradually you will be able to easily adjust in the new country.


Look for the Accommodation



After arriving in Australia, look for reasonable and shared accommodation as soon as possible. However, it is very advisable to arrange your accommodation before arriving in Australia. So that you do not have to worry about your living place. Shared accommodation is way cheaper and comfortable than the student hostel. You can save your money if you decide to live in a shared place.


In addition, choose the place that is near to your institution and meet the people living in it before paying the rent. Living in a shared place will give you a feel of “home”.


Do a Part-time Job

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Overseas students in Australia are encouraged to work 40 hours per fortnight. Also, it is easy for students to find and get a part-time job. It is preferable to find a job that is related to your course of study. It will help you in scoring more points on the skill select points table if you plan to apply for the Australian skilled visa. Search for the jobs for students on the internet through job platforms.


So, earn while you are studying in Australia. With your earnings, you will be able to bear your cost of living more easily. For instance, you will be able to pay your bills or room rent, etc. Moreover, getting the job will help you in gaining the work experience and required skills.


Manage Your Expenses


Being an international student, one of the most important things to live in Australia without any trouble is to manage your expenses. You have to make proper planning about where to spend, how much to spend and how to save. Living in a shared place, doing a part-time, cooking your own meals and using your student card will help you to bear your expenses to live in Australia.


Improve Your English Language Skills

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While living in Australia, try to improve your English Language skills. Make friends who can speak good English. Enroll yourself in a course or get admission in language exchange programs. Having English language proficiency will help to score more points on a skill select points table if you apply for a skilled visa in the future.


Get Yourself Involved in Various Activities


Best way to get settled in a new environment is to get involved in various activities. You can join different clubs or social groups where you can meet new people and make new friends. Moreover, look for people with shared interests so that you can do various activities with them.


Get involved in the events and activities happening on your campus.  Also, play some sports to remain active and healthy. Physical exercise is very good for both mental and physical health.


Explore Australia

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Australia is a country with breathtaking landscapes, beautiful sceneries, huge and attractive mountains, and stunningly beautiful lakes. By fortune, if you have a got a chance to study in Australia then do visit the beautiful places. The beauty of Australia will make you fall in love with the country. Make connections with different people. They will help you in exploring new cultures, mindsets, and lifestyles.


You will be able to learn new things with the cultural diversity of the country.  Moreover, Australian people are known for being warm, friendly and social. They will not let you feel that you are not in your home country.


Meet All Your Visa Requirements

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It is very important to be aware of all your student visa Australia requirements. You must meet your health and character requirements to live in Australia. You must have an Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) while you are holding the student visa.


Do not do any visa breach that can cause you any trouble such as not completing your student hours, working more than stated hours or involving yourself in any criminal offense.


Be Clear about Your Future Plans

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While living and studying in Australia, you must have concrete goals and future plans. Utilize your duration of student visa to accomplish those goals. For instance, if you wish to get permanent residency in Australia; equip yourself with required skills, enroll yourself in a related study course, work on improving your English.


There are many ways that can lead you to get permanent visa Australia. Have some goals and devise your plans according to that.


Get Professional Assistance

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If you are living in Australia on an Australian student visa and need any kind of assistance related to your education or visa, consult a trusted and registered Migration Consult. Get the right guidance and help to save yourself from any trouble.


Moreover, if you want to get student visa Australia, or want to know about student visa Australia requirements, you can consult a registered Migration consult at Our team of registered Migration Agent will help you in getting an Australian visa.

