Australia 476 visa latest news

Latest News on Ending of Australia 476 Visa | What’s Next?


Are you also frustrated by the news on the ending of the Australia 476 visa? You must be if you have already applied for an Australian 476 visa or wish to apply for it. No doubt, it’s very troublesome and challenging. Now, you must be searching for what to do if the 476 visa is capped? If so, look no further. The following blog post has got you covered.

For an engineering graduate, nothing is more exciting than being offered a job in a country renowned for having the greatest culture, highest paying jobs, and quality living standards. Previously, the route to enter the country was paved through an Australian 476 visa, offering an opportunity for engineers to kickstart their dream journey. However, the new migration strategy has imposed restrictions on the 476 visa. This implies that no 476 visa application will be processed before July 1, 2024. Before then, any additional applications will be rejected.

Now, what to do next? To find the answers to your questions regarding Australia 476 visa latest news and updates, read this blog post. So, get ready to discover the Australia 476 visa latest news and alternative options for this visa.


What is a Skilled Recognized Graduate Visa (Subclass 476)?

The visa was designed primarily to help the mining and minerals industry to attract highly qualified engineering graduates. New engineering graduates from recognized universities could apply for this temporary visa. The visa grants the ability to work in Australia and also makes you eligible for a provisional skilled visa or permanent residency.

Under this visa, engineering graduates can live, work, or study in Australia for up to 18 months. However, the new migration strategy has announced changes in the migration system of Australia. Let’s delve together to find out the Australia 476 visa latest news and updates to stay up to dated about the recent policies.


Australia 476 Visa Latest News

The New Migration Strategy of the Australian Government was unveiled on December 11, 2023. The Strategy aims to improve foreign student protection, enhance the credibility and caliber of Australia’s programs for overseas study, and assist graduates in realizing their professional goals.

The Australian Government has decided on the number of visas for skilled graduates. The maximum number of visas set for the 2023–2024 year is 3,735. Once all of the visas have been issued, the government will not accept any further applications. This ruling has impacted the Subclass 476 visa category.

The program is now being examined as part of the more extensive Migration Reform, and limiting the number of visas granted in this fiscal year is a step toward the eventual termination of the skilled, recognized graduate visa. However, you don’t need to worry about this as there are alternative and preferred options that you can avail to migrate to Australia. One of the suitable alternative to the 476 is a Skilled work regional (provisional) visa (Subclass 491). So, let’s find out together what a skilled regional visa is and the required criteria to apply for this kind of visa.


Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 491): An Alternative to the 476 Visa 

The Skilled work regional visa is applicable to skilled migrants, allowing them to study, live, or work in certain regional years. With a clear pathway to permanent residency, skilled migrants can live in the country for up to five years under this visa subclass 491. However, you must be nominated by the regional Government before submitting an application for this visa. Upon completion of three years, holders of subclass 491 visas may be qualified to apply for the permanent residency-granting subclass 191 visa. So, you still have the alternative option to the 476 visa to get permanent residency in Australia.


Eligibility Criteria for a Skilled Regional Visa (Subclass 491)

It is important to check the eligibility criteria before lodging an application for an Australian visa. In order to meet the eligibility criteria to apply for a skilled work regional visa, you must;

  • You must be under forty-five years of your age.
  • You must possess your Registration of Interest (ROI).
  • You must be committed to living in a designated regional area.
  • You must be proficient in the English language to apply for this visa.
  • You must have scored at least 65 points on the points test system for EOI in SkillSelect.
  • You must hold a positive skills assessment certificate on the skilled occupation list in your selected occupation.
  • At the time of nomination, if you are onshore, you must be residing and employed in a regional Victoria. Please be aware that the Department of Home Affairs has classified several remote areas of Melbourne as regional zones.


What are the Steps to Apply for a Skilled Regional Visa?

Steps to Apply for a Skilled Regional Visa The visa application process for a skilled regional visa (subclass 491) consists of the following steps;

  • The first step involves the submission of an Expression of Interest or EOI to the Department of Home Affairs Australia. 
  • After submitting the EOI, you will receive an EOI number. Submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) using that EOI number for Victorian nomination through the Live in Melbourne portal.
  • After getting an invitation letter from the Government, you will be asked to submit a nomination application.
  • You will file a visa application with the Australian Government’s Department of Home Affairs for the chosen visa if your nomination application is approved.

What to do Once You are Nominated

After getting nominated by the selected territory or regional Government,

  • You will be notified by email about your nomination status.
  • Lodge your visa application to the Department of Home Affairs within sixty days. You will not be nominated again if your visa application is not received by this deadline.
  • You need to update your contact details to get information about the latest news and updates.
  • For the term of your visa, make a commitment to residing and working in your selected regional state.


Is Skilled Recognized Graduate visa subclass 476 closed?

Yes, according to the new Migration strategy released in December 2023, the Government has restricted the visa grants to a specific number, terminating subclass 476. The Australian Government won’t consider any more applications regarding subclass 476 visas.

Can I get permanent residency under subclass 491 visa in Australia?

Yes, you can get permanent residency in Australia after completing a stay of three years in the country under subclass 491 visa. You need to apply for subclass 191 to get PR in Australia after meeting the income level for at least three years.

What is the latest news on Australian immigration?

Australia plans to phase out the 482 visa in 2024 and replace it with a new visa called “Skills in Demand. It will have a three-tiered approach to temporary skilled migration and be valid for four years after it is granted.

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Final Thoughts

So, there you have it- Australia 476 visa latest news and updates. You are now aware of the option alternative to the 476 visa to migrate and get permanent residency in Australia. What are you waiting for? Submit your application and get an opportunity to live in your dream destination. Remember, the visa application process is quite challenging and laborious. Moreover, the Australian Government has introduced major reforms in the migration system. So, the chances of getting distracted along the way has been increased.

Therefore, you must consider professional assistance to avoid confusion. The Migration is a registered company that offers cost-effective and genuine consultation to its clients. Whether you need help regarding lodging an application or wish to complete your EOI under professional experience, the Migration is here to support you. So, book a consultation now and allow us to help you with your visa processing.


I, Samavia Shahid, am a researcher and content writer at The Migration. I create easy-to-understand and informative content for people who want to move to Australia. My goal is to make the migration process simpler and less stressful for everyone.